Caradaro Pizza

Serving traditional
thin crust, Chicago-Style pizza for 68 years in Milwaukee

The Birth of Pizza in Milwaukee!

Reprinted from the historical plaque located at
Buffalo & Erie streets. Erected in 2000

"From the street level restaurant of a narrow three-story building that was next to and south of here, pizza was introduced and popularized in Milwaukee. The Caradaro Club (combining the founders' family names John CARAvella and Joe ToDARO) opened in 1945 when World War II was ending and pizza was finding its way into the United States.
Joe and Agatha Todaro developed a recipe that called for thin crust and was served in rectangular shape. Their marketing technique - handing out pizza slices on Milwaukee's downtown streets - was an allure that soon permeated the region and its facade frequently restrained lines of dating couples and groups of expectant patrons."

The Caradaro secret recipe remained an attraction for 25 years after which the Todaros retired from restauranteuring and sold the Caradaro Club. The new owners kept it there until a fire destroyed the building in 1978.

Now, two stores open with the secret Original Caradaro Club recipe and true dedicated Pizziolli's to prepare your special orders! Don't forget your coupons.

We continue in the Caradaro tradition by preparing our pizzas, and all of our menu items, with the best and freshest ingredients available using the same pizza recipes passed down from Milwaukee's original Caradaro Club.


Tues, Wed & Thurs
4 - 10 pm

Friday & Saturday
4 pm - Midnight

4 - 9 pm
